
Android App Development For Beginners


The course takes a practical approach to illustrating core concepts of the Android programming language. All concepts are illustrated by a step-by-step coding video which shows how an app is created in real time. A simple app called the GetTogether App is used as an example to explain everything right from UI to Data persistence with respect to Android Application Development.


Course Description

The course takes a practical approach to illustrating core concepts of the Android programming language. All concepts are illustrated by a step-by-step coding video which shows how an app is created in real time. A simple app called the GetTogether App is used as an example to explain everything right from UI to Data persistence with respect to Android Application Development. At the end of the course, you have the GetTogether app created by your own self which is a major confidence booster for a beginner.

Course – Topics

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Android PREVIEW
  • Features, Architecture and App Components PREVIEW
  • Environment Setup
  • Android Studio
  • Anatomy of an Android App
  • Resources
  • Activities
  • Intents
  • Intents – Coding Example
  • User Interface8 Lectures
  • UI Layouts
  • UI Layouts – Coding Example
  • UI Basic Views
  • Event Handling
  • List view , Spinner view, Grid View
  • Alert Dialog, TimePicker Dialog
  • Menus, Styles, Themes
  • Fragments
  • GetTogether App3 Lectures
  • Android and Data Persistence
  • Android – Other Features
  • Hands-On Project
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