
CSharp Training

Original price was: ₹12,000.00.Current price is: ₹10,000.00.

C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg.


C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg. These videos will teach you basic C# programming and will also take you through various advanced concepts related to C# programming language.

Course – Topics

  1. C# Basics
    C# – Introduction
    C# – Environment Setup
    C# – Program Structure
    C# – Basic Program
    C# – Data Types
    C# – Type Casting
    C# – Nullable Type
    C# – Operators
    C# – Control Statement
    C# – Conditional Statement
    C# – If else Statement
    C# – Switch Statement
    C# – Loops / Iteration Statement
    C# – For Loop
    C# – While Loop
    C# – Do While Loop
    C# – Jump Statement
    C# – Arrays
    C# – Methods
    C# – String
    C# – String Builder
    C# – Preprocessor Directive
  2. OOPs in C#
    C# – Introduction to Oops
    C# – Implementing Class
    C# – Class Members
    C# – Constructors
    C# – Object Initializer
    C# – Method Overloading
    C# – Operator Overloading
    C# – Access specifiers
    C# – Properties
    C# – Indexer
    C# – Inheritance
    C# – Data Hiding
    C# – Method Overriding
    C# – Abstract Class
    C# – Interface
    C# – Sealed Class
    C# – Partial Class
    C# – Generic Class
    C# – Struct
  3. C# Advanced
    C# – Delegate
    C# – Generic Delegate
    C# – Anonymous Method
    C# – Lambda Expression
    C# – Introduction to GUI
    C# – Exception Handling
    C# – Custom Exception
    C# – Regular Expression
    C# – Collections
    C# – Generic Collection
    C# – File Handling
    C# – Attribute
    C# – Extension Method
    C# – Assembly
    C# – Reflection
    C# – Multi-Threading
    C# – Task Parallel Library
    C# – Asynchronous Programming


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