
Diploma Courses – Android


Our Android course is designed for students and professionals who wish to enhance their skills in Android development. We offer hands-on training and in-depth approach to Android app development using Java and Android Studio.


Course Description

Our Android course is designed for students and professionals who wish to enhance their skills in Android development. We offer hands-on training and in-depth approach to Android app development using Java and Android Studio. We ensure that our android training course will empower you with the knowledge of visualizing, building, programming and publishing an Android app.

Course – Topics

1. Introduction To Mobile Apps
• Why we Need Mobile Apps
• Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
• Briefly about Android

2. Introduction to Android
• History Behind Android Development
• What is Android?
• Pre-requisites to learn Android
• Brief Discussion on Java Programming
3. Android Architecture
• Overview of Android Stack
• Android Features
• Introduction to OS layers

4. Deep Overview in Android Stack
• Linux Kernel
• Libraries
• Android Runtime
• Application Framework
• Dalvik VM
5. Installing Android Machine
• Configuring Android Stack
• Creating Eclipse Environment
• Integrating Android with Eclipse IDE
• Exploring Eclipse IDE

6. Creating First Android Application
• Creating Android Project
• Debugging Application through DDMS
• setting up environment
• AVD Creation
• Executing Project on Android Screen

7. Android Components
• Hello World App
• Building UI with Activities
• Advanced UI
• Notifications
• Multithreading
• Styles And Themes
• Resources and Assets
• Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers
• Receiving System Broadcast
• Data Storage
• Content Providers
Multimedia in Android
• Location Based Services and Google Maps
• Web Services and WebView
• Sensors
• WiFi
• Telephony Services
• WiFi
• Camera
• Android Application Deployment

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