
Diploma Courses – Video Editing


Video Editing. Video editing is the process and technique of working with video images to create a finished piece of video work.


Course Description

Video Editing. Video editing is the process and technique of working with video images to create a finished piece of video work. Understanding basic video making theory will help you know which technical elements of video editing to use.

Course – Topics

  1. Pre edit considerations
    i. Production Organization
    ii. Getting the Shots
    iii. Labelling and Numbering Rushes
    iv. Logging Rushes
    v. That’s a Wrap
    2. Getting to the edit
    i. Choosing an Editor
    ii. Choosing an Edit System
    3. Stepping into the cutting room
    i. Digitizing Rushes
    ii. Organizing and Viewing the Rushes
    iii. Devise a Structure
    iv. Make a Rough Cut
    v. Choosing Music
    vi. Adding Transitions
    vii. The Fine Cut
    4. Final processes
    i. The Tracklay
    ii. The Online
    iii. Export and Delivery
    iv. Reversioning
    5. Conclusion
    About this eBook
    i. About the Author
    ii. About Aframe
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