


JavaScript is the most widely deployed language in the world. Whether you’re interested in writing front-end client side code, back-end code for servers, or even game development.


Course Description

JavaScript is the most widely deployed language in the world. Whether you’re interested in writing front-end client side code, back-end code for servers, or even game development.

Course – Topics

JS Introduction JS Errors
JS Where To JS Debugging
JS Output JS Hoisting
JS Syntax JS Strict Mode
JS Statements JS Style Guide
JS Comments JS Reserved Words
JS Variables JS Forms
JS Operators Forms Validation
JS Arithmetic Forms API
JS Assignment JS Objects
JS Data Types Object Definitions
JS Functions Object Properties
JS Objects Object Methods
JS Scope Object Prototypes
JS Events JS Functions
JS Strings Function Definitions
JS String Methods Function Parameters
JS Numbers Function Invocation
JS Number Methods Function Closures
JS Math JS Window
JS Dates JS Screen
JS Date Formats JS Location
JS Date Methods JS History
JS Arrays JS Navigator
JS Array Methods JS Popup Alert
JS Booleans JS Timing
JS Comparisons JS Cookies
JS Conditions JS Libraries
JS Switch
JS Loop For
JS Loop While
JS Break
JS Type Of
JS Conversion
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