
SEO Search Engine Optimization Complete Beginner’s Guide


The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimi zation (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.


Course Description

The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimi zation (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Course – Topics

What is SEO & Why is it Important?

Why Should You Care About SEO?

What Actually Works for Driving Traffic from Search Engines?

Keyword Research & Keyword Targeting

On-Page Optimization

Internal Linking, Link Building

Off-Page Optimization

On-site SEO: Off-page SEO:
Keyword Research and Analysis Link Building
Meta Keywords Content Marketing
Meta Description Social Media Operations
Sitemap ( Including Video Sitemap) Competitors Linking
301/404 Redirection Backlink Age Checking
Webmaster Tools or Robots.txt Link Profile Management
Google Analytics Link Selling Awareness
Keyword Placement (Keyword Prominence) Schema Microformating
Keyword Density Site Directory Submission
Keywords in Title Tag Social Bookmarking
Keyword in H2, H3 Tags Article Directory Submission
Page Loading Speed via HTML Blog Commenting
Duplicate Content Control ( by Rel=Canonical) Guest Blogging
URL Optimization Forum Posting
Image Optimization
Heading Tags
Content Length
Outbound Link Quality
Quality of Internal Links Pointing to Page
Broken Links Check
Affiliate Links
Control of Duplicate Meta Information On-Site
Bounce Rate Control
Mobile Optimized
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