SQL Server Training


Course Description

This SQL Server training teaches developers all the Transact-SQL skills they need to create database objects like Tables, Views, Stored procedures & Functions and triggers in SQL Server.  Gives idea about writing Queries & Sub-queries, working with Joins, etc. As well as database management skills like backup, restore, etc.

Course – Topics

Introduction To DBMS

  • File Management System And Its Drawbacks
  • Database Management System (DBMS) and Data Models
  • Physical Data Models
  • Logical Data Models
    • Hierarchical Data Model (HDBMS)
    • Network Data Model (NDBMS)
    • Relational Data Model (RDBMS)
    • Object Data Model (ODBMS)
    • Object Relational Data Model (ORDBMS)
  • Conceptual Data Models
  • Entity – Relationship (E-R) Model

Introduction To SQL Server

  • Advantages and Drawbacks Of SQL Server Compared To Oracle And DB2
  • Connecting To Server
    • Server Type
    • Server Name
    • Authentication Modes
      • Sql Server Authentication Mode
      • Windows Authentication Mode
      • Login and Password
      • Sql Server Management Studio and Tools In Management Studio
        • Object Explorer
        • Object Explorer Details
        • Query Editor


TSQL (Transact-Structured Query Language)

Introduction To TSQL

  • History and Features of TSQL
  • Types Of TSQL Commands
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Query Language (DQL)
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
  • Transaction Control Language (TCL)
  • Database
    • Creating Database
    • Altering Database
    • Deleting Database
    • Constrains
      • Procedural Integrity Constraints
      • Declarative Integrity Constraints
        • Not Null, Unique, Default and Check constraints
        • Primary Key and Referential Integrity or foreign key constraints
        • Data Types In TSQL
        • Table
          • Creating Table
          • Altering Table
          • Deleting Table

Data Manipulation Language

  • Insert
  • Identity
  • Creating A Table From Another Table
  • Inserting Rows From One Table To Another
  • Update
    • Computed Columns
    • Delete
      • Truncate
      • Differences Between Delete and Truncate

Data Query Language (DQL)

  • Select
  • Where clause
  • Order By Clause
  • Distinct Keyword
  • Isnull() function
  • Column aliases
  • Predicates
  • Between … And
  • In
  • Like
  • Is Null

Built In Functions

  • Scalar Functions
  • Numeric Functions
  • Character Functions
  • Conversion Functions
  • Date Functions
  • Aggregate Functions
    • Convenient Aggregate Functions
    • Statistical Aggregate Functions
    • Group By and Having Clauses
    • Super Aggregates
    • Over(partition by …) Clause
    • Ranking Functions
      • Common Table Expressions (CTE)

Top n Clause

Set Operators

  • Union
  • Intersect
  • Except


  • Inner Join
  • Equi Join
  • Natural Join
  • Non-Equi Join
  • Self Join
  • Outer Join
    • Left Outer Join
    • Right Outer Join
    • Full Outer Join
    • Cross Join

Sub Queries

  • Single Row Sub Queries
  • Multi Row Sub Queries
  • Any or Some
  • ALL
  • Nested Sub Queries
  • Co-Related Sub Queries
    • Exists and Not Exists


  • Clustered Index
  • NonClustered Index
  • Create , Alter and Drop Indexes
  • Using Indexes


  • SQL Server Authenticated Login
  • Windows Authenticated Login
  • User Creation
  • Granting Permissions
  • Revoking Permissions
  • Roles


  • Purpose Of Views
  • Creating , Altering and Dropping Indexes
  • Simple and Complex Views
  • Encryption and Schema Binding Options in creating views

Transaction Management

  • Introduction
  • Begin Transaction
  • Commit Transaction
  • Rollback Transaction
  • Save Transaction
  • Role Of Log File In Transaction Management
  • Implicit Transactions

TSQL Programming

  • Drawbacks Of TSQL that leads to TSQL Programming
  • Introduction To TSQL Programming
  • Control statements In TSQL Programming
  • Conditional Control Statements
    • If
    • Case
  • Looping Control Statements
  • While


  • Working With Cursors
  • Types Of Cursors
  • Forward_Only and Scroll Cursors
  • Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors
  • Local and Global Cursors

Stored Sub Programs

  • Advantages Of Stored Sub Programs compared to Independent SQL Statements
  • Stored Procedures
  • Creating , Altering and Dropping
  • Optional Parameters
  • Input and Output Parameters
  • Permissions on Stored Procedures
  • User Defined Functions
  • Creating, Altering and Dropping
  • Types Of User Defined Functions
    • Scalar Functions
    • Table Valued Functions
      • Inline Table Valued Functions
      • Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
    • Permissions On User Defined Functions
  • Triggers
  • Purpose of Triggers
  • Differences Between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions and Triggers
  • Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers
  • Magic Tables
  • Instead Of Triggers
  • Exception Handling
  • Implementing Exception Handling
  • Adding and removing User Defined Error Messages To And From SQL Server Error Messages List
  • Raising Exceptions Manual

CLR Integration

  • What is CLR Integration and The Steps For Implementing It
  • A Simple Example With CLR Integration



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